ATTENTION BUSINESS MEMBERS: Your Online Banking is getting an upgrade!

Be on the lookout for emails within the next month explaining these upgrades and how they will affect your online banking account.

Credit Scores and Reports: Tenant Screening Companies

Tenant screening companies provide information to landlords, property management companies and others. Information provided includes:

  • Credit history
  • Eviction information
  • Rental payment history
  • Identity verification
  • Income and employment verification
  • Criminal background data

Negative information on the report could result in a rejected lease application or if approved, the renter may have tough conditions such as a higher security deposit or a number of month’s rent paid in advance.

Most tenant screening companies won’t have information on you unless you apply for rental housing or otherwise authorize a landlord or property manager to obtain a report from them.

Before applying for rental consideration, you should review your three credit reports for accuracy through www.annualcreditreport.com since a credit report is a common component of tenant screening reports.

If you are rejected or “conditionally accepted” with certain adverse conditions such as a co-signer requirement, a larger deposit or a higher rent payment than other applicants, you must be provided with an adverse action notice that includes the name of the reporting company used to screen you.

You have the right to get a free copy of the report if you request it within 60 days of being notified of the adverse action. If there are errors on your report, you have the right to dispute inaccurate information.

To learn more about who can see your consumer reports, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau page found HERE.

To find a list of consumer reporting companies, visit this Consumer Financial Protection Bureau page HERE. This page not only lists reporting companies, but includes links with information, direct links to the agency’s websites, contact information and more. Most also offer a free report if you request it and the company has a file on you.

If you’d like credit or budget guidance, I can help! CLICK HERE to schedule your Personal Financial Coaching session.


Lisa Atkinson
TFCU | Personal Financial Coach

As a Personal Financial Coach, I do not provide legal or tax advice. Tucson Federal Credit Union does not guarantee that this service will achieve any particular objective or outcome. For any legal advice, please seek the advice of an attorney or tax professional.